
Monday, October 19, 2009

Walking in the wilderness...

I am learning to walk in the wilderness... I am in need but my needs are provided for. I feel my life appears to but somewhat of a contradiction. I know where I am but not where I am going! I think a lot of what is happening is the Lord is teaching me to walk the path in faith... Again! There was a time in my life I could say that I completely trusted in the Lord and understood the fact that my faith is the evidence or substance of that which is unseen (Heb 11:1)... Whether it was the Future, God, Provision, Direction, Finances, ECT... the Word tells me that my faith is a gift of God not by my works (Eph 2:8-9) I am learning to let go of me and my desires to prove myself. I am saved by grace! I have been walking in my own strength for some time now... I am letting go of the trying... and choose to move forward in faith not push though in my own strength! I moved to TX knowing that God had a plan for me when I arrived. Not knowing exactly what that plan is... Well... That is a hard place for me to be. I have been here for two months and now and feel I have almost nothing to show for it but a bank account that is running on fumes and the fact that I still can't get an job to pay my bills. I am truly humbled because I am realizing I have been working in my own strength for too long here! It is time for some changes. My plans don't mean anything... Unless they are His also... So far I am not sure I have been checking with Him on that matter. I am learning to ask Him before moving forward and am finding freedom knowing that I am loved without condition and not judged for the mistakes I have made so far. I am holding to His promises! God is faithful even in the Wilderness.

I Love Y'all,
Now playing: Ginny Owens - If You Want Me To
via FoxyTunes

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