
Thursday, November 20, 2008

God's Preparation For This Canvas!

Spent some time today looking back, it is the time of year where my mom starts asking me to have my part of the family Christmas letter ready! She likes it before Thanksgiving mostly because last year she didn't get them all until mid January and that makes it a post-new year family update letter… not Christmas update letter! So I figured I would share with you what I wrote.
A new year brought a New Beginning! At the turning of 2008... As I sat in my apartment alone watching the ball drop in NY on my TV… I bowed my head and asked the Lord what He had for me this year... New Beginnings was his response. I thanked Him for another year and took communion as our family does every New Year! Now looking back... It is almost funny how true those words are... My past year has truly been one change after another. I have a new home, vision, family, friends and outlook on life!
Last year I was at the 6 month mark of working on staff at CFNI... my Alma Madder. God grew me so much in that experience! I love CFNI and miss it greatly. But God brought me where I am for a reason... am back in NC with my Family! By now you have read of my father’s battle with cancer. In Feb My mom called me from the hospital and told me of the pending diagnosis. When she told me it might be cancer... My heart broke… But God! He gave me a peace about it from the beginning... But I still knew change was on the horizon. If the diagnosis was cancer... I would be joining Paul for the journey home in May! On March Forth we got our Orders! After a quick spring break home! I knew for sure, I was homeward bound! We moved home in May! Then on my golden birthday, I started at Family Dollar! A new job, one of those jobs with a 6 months learning curve. I am a Merchandise Assistant in the Paper dept and sometimes the Stationary Dept. So if you need to know anything about Toilet paper or tissues, disposables cups or plates, or occasionally Greeting Cards or Poster board at Family Dollar, I am you girl, for now! True to my understanding it has taken a good amount of time to learn what exactly it is they wanted me to do. But I am finally getting it after 6 months! I am so glad to be home! My family is never the same. God is so good! As I was leaving CFNI I found myself telling people… I've never thought of cancer as a good thing. But in our lives as a family God has used cancer to bring out the best in each of us! The Zinn family is the best it has ever been!
I will close with one last thing... the future... A new Vision! God is good at choosing some of the craziest times in our lives, to speak into us... My life was not an exception... Near the end of March the Lord started stirring in my heart many of my passions and gifts... For me this is no small thing in... My passions and gifts are as different and abundant as the many colors of the rainbow; writing, singing, administration, art, computers, photography, leadership and mostly the Ministry. God being God, He began to give me a glimpse of the picture He is beginning to paint with the gifts He had placed in my life. For all those who are praying for a picture of what the Lord’s plan for your life is... Wait don’t try to figure it out or start it for Him. We can never truly understand or imagine His plan for us. The many ideas and plans I have come on my own… well they would have gotten in the way of the plan God has for my life. Let the canvas of your life remain open, so your life can be His masterpiece.
All that to stay there is a new step in my journey to come… But before I get to it I have to apologize for something I said in last year’s letter and I quote… “Although the state is somewhat large, rater flat but mostly ugly... It's home for now!”... This was in reference to Texas… I am now retracting this statement it was made in my ignorance. I have since been hiking in the Hill country of TX and seen the Desert Mountains of west Texas near Fort Davis! I would have to say Texas is very large and uniquely beautiful… It is a one of the kind state that I happen to love and actually miss greatly. Most of my distaste for Texas started and ended with Dallas (a city most Texans don't even claim)! Now that that is all cleared up! I can in fact move on… My best Friend Audrie and her Husband Steven are now currently in west Texas with their family in the process of starting a Ministry called Wild Fire… A ministry for Individuals to come unplug from the noise and tyranny of the urgent, to hear the quietness of God’s Word to us… Okay so I borrowed the last statement from the brochure… but there is a point! Sometime in the next or so year I am planning to join them in this ministry! Upon meeting these families over the last few years the Lord made it clear that he had a purpose for this connection… this was impressed even deeper in my heart during Steven and Audrie's visit to here in Oct. They visited NC for an extended weekend… during which my family also saw the importance of this friendship. God is truly amazing and I can't wait to look back again next year and see what new he has added to the picture! God Bless!

I love y'all! ~ Alicia

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Understanding the system...

Today I was reading in 2 Tim 3 about the last days and found myself challenged by the words.

You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that! - 2 Tim 3:1-5

I felt the need to share my heart. We are living in the last days... I mean really those words describe our culture to a T.

So why did I feel the need to share? Because it continues:

They are the kind who work their way into people’s homes and win the confidence of vulnerable women who are burdened with the guilt of sin and controlled by various desires. (Such women are forever following new teachings, but they are never able to understand the truth.) - 2 Tim 3:6-7

Sometime we all act easily swayed as the women described in this verse. We know of the truth but will never grasp an understanding of the truth. We are an entire people who base the existence of truth on feelings. The fine line of right and wrong is no longer based on an infallible source... But rather on whether or not we feel like it is right. Just because something feels right does not make it right... Here's an example. Sex... It feels great (not that I know or anything but it is a point) But is not always right in the wrong context. Unless you are willing to enter into a covenant relationship before crossing that line you will not just hurt yourself but your partner of choice at the time. It is an intimacy that is meant for a deep and long term relationship not meant to be a one night fling.

Based on a moral system that is founded in feeling. We could kill someone because we felt that they were an inconvenience to us, after having a physically intimate relationship with someone we have little relationship with otherwise because it felt 'right'.

We can't live our lives based on feelings!

So please don't base your decisions on how they make you feel that is how our society has gotten to the place that 2 Tim 3 describes. When you go to a ballot on Tuesday do it having researched the politicians take some time to find out where everyone from the judge in your local court or sheriff all the way up to president. One of the biggest mistakes Americans make is only voting when there are important things like the president to vote for. We have a system built to allow us as the American people to decide who we would like to represent us as a nation to us as the people of the United States of America. Do we no longer care for our country enough to know the about the people for whom we vote? Or do you just vote for the person you guess would do a good job in the Senate, did you vote for them because you like the way their named looked on a ballot or because you saw their name somewhere even though you don't know where and figure that was good enough for you. You could strongly disagree with issues like abortion, gay marriage and taking away our right to bare arms, But you just voted for a someone who will vote against a ban on abortion. It is not just about who signs the bills (the president) but our government is a series of checks and balances. Ask yourself before voting... Do I want this person to represent me as a/an Insert Role (i.e.: Sheriff, Judge, Senator, President...etc.)? Take a few minutes before heading off to the ballots the do your civic duty of voting... This isn't some survey you take online! Look up your local County board of elections get a candidate list or a sample ballot. Look up the names of the people who are running you can even google them... and any bonds or amendments to your state constitution. Look it up before hand! know what they are asking you bonds are the taxes that you pay they are giving you the opportunity to decide how you local office distributes it. Know that you have been given the right to make an educated vote. Don't take advantage of that right by letting the biased media and untrustworthy polls help you decide for you. Be assertive!

I love y'all! ~ Alicia

Monday, May 12, 2008

Life and it's changes...

I am currently sitting in a place I haven't sat in years... My chair in my room in NC! It has been 3 years since I have called NC home. I know that God has called me here. But my heart wants to disagree. I left a lot of people in TX that I did not want to leave. To some I said goodbye but others see you later. I would be naive to think that I will see or talk to everyone again someday. But thankfully families like the Dilts & the Hellums and friends like Brittany, Chris & Melody. I will have in my life forever whether they like it or not! The EGGheads is a bond that sha'nt be broken! I have found anew understanding of Love & Friendship through many of them! This new season is promising to be one of growth but not without the occasional storm. I am learning that to grow we need food and water but to grow strong we have to learn to whether the storm. The years have had their toll on my life and it is typically clear by my appearance what my defense mechanism is the Lord is taking me out of my comfortable place and now He is setting me apart to teach me more about Him and my relationship with Him. He is growing me to become the woman He is calling me to be. Teaching me to submit to authority so as to learn to submit to my husband. Showing me how to care for myself so I can one day care for my children and family. I am excited to see what is next. Who is Alicia? To find out I am asking God to show me... Who are you God? Knowing God is the key to understanding who we are! I love y'all! ~ Alicia

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fear and Unbelief... My attempted companions!

It seems when I'm at my best this is when the enemy likes to send them my way. They bring their friends Discontent and Self-pity with them and they make my life, the life I was happy with just hours ago, seem like the last thing I want to be apart of anymore. Apparently they forgot a few things... Goodness & Mercy Fallow me and I dwell in the house of the Lord Forever! Even in a dark valley I have no fear for His Discipline & Power are my comfort!

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

(Php 4:4-7 ESV)

Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

(Php 4:11-13 ESV)

Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit. I have received full payment, and more. I am well supplied, having received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent, a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God. And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.

(Php 4:17-20 ESV)

I am not worried for tomorrow, Just today. That is all God intended for me to worry about. I choose now to continue in contentment. Know in that if not thru those around me He will supply my needs in whatever ways He sees fit! My God is Faithful! Nothing can convince me otherwise! No matter how may things go wrong I still know that I am a child of the Most High... And therefore I am Blessed & Highly Favored! I love y'all! ~ Alicia

Please Pray for the Lord to Open a door for a Job in NC!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Relationship status for the young and restless!

We are only here for a moment... Can't we just enjoy it?

So at 22 it is hard to say I am content with being single... But Today, I don't find it so hard to say. Everyday we are given a chance... The chance to decide whether we are going to be happy with where we are or no. Sadly most choose not to be happy, or should I say content. Our state of mind is not contingent on our circumstances but rather the choices we make in the midst of the circumstances of life. We are only as happy as we choose to be.

For all my single friends out there... I just want to remind you of two things... First! You are Amazing! God has not Forgotten about you! Second! Take a moment Just you and God ask Him why you are single? He is faithful to answer!

I know being single is hard... God help me! But enjoy it while you still can. If you get everything right you will only be single once... God can sometimes use us more when we are single! Also remember He is a jealous God and will not take second seat to anyone in life, Even a spouse.

For those Who aren't Single! God bless you, may your years together be the best you'll ever have. But always remember Who comes first!

I love Y'all! ~ Alicia

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Twitterpated... Bible Style!

It is funny to watch that video now! I am 22 and that video is sadly truer today than it ever was to me as a child... I am surrounded by so many people who are truly finding love... Some of them are finding the one God has set in their path. Others are putting on a show to be found. I like this clip because it is so true but also because it almost perfectly illustrates a verse in the word of God. Now if I told you the verse right now you might think I was joking but I am not. So please don't laugh or if you do stick around for the explanation you might learn something.
The verse I am sharing on is Proverbs 18:22. To many of you this verse is familiar for those who aren't its because the verses you are concentrating on are most likely in the 31st chapter. But this is a very important verse. I guess if you haven't looked it up already I should save you the trouble...
He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD. ~ Proverbs 18:22(ESV)
Now stop laughing... I know it seems pretty funny now that you thought about Bambi. He really was looking for a wife wasn't he? (rhetorical question) Not really! That was in fact the last thing he wanted at that time. He was busy looking for what his purpose in life was. He had set out on a path determined to find the end... not a wife!
For all you who aren't catching the hint let me break it down for you.
The word finds in the Hebrew is not what we as Americans would define it as. We would probably define it as to seek out in search of. But what the word actually means in this context is to stumble upon. He was heading in the direction God was leading him and on that path he ran into her and found out she was heading that way too.
Now for Bambi thats a long shot I am not sure God was meant to hold much of a role in arranging that meeting... Just Disney! But in the grand scheme of things God can in fact do it in your life.
My suggestion for you is... Take a moment and evaluate your motivation. If you are looking for a wife (or husband)... Take a moment and think if that is what God wants you to be doing right now. Why? because if you are looking for a wife that is what you will find a wife. Maybe God doesn't want you looking for wife. If I remember correctly I am pretty sure He is a jealous God. But on a good note in Matt the word tells us "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Mat 6:33 ESV)
If your motivations are right and you are seeking Him and His plan for you life, maybe at the moment you least expect it or even at the point where you could really care less... because you got out of the way and let God do things you might find yourself stumbling across the right person for you. Check Yourself! Much love! ~ Ali Z