
Monday, March 17, 2008

Relationship status for the young and restless!

We are only here for a moment... Can't we just enjoy it?

So at 22 it is hard to say I am content with being single... But Today, I don't find it so hard to say. Everyday we are given a chance... The chance to decide whether we are going to be happy with where we are or no. Sadly most choose not to be happy, or should I say content. Our state of mind is not contingent on our circumstances but rather the choices we make in the midst of the circumstances of life. We are only as happy as we choose to be.

For all my single friends out there... I just want to remind you of two things... First! You are Amazing! God has not Forgotten about you! Second! Take a moment Just you and God ask Him why you are single? He is faithful to answer!

I know being single is hard... God help me! But enjoy it while you still can. If you get everything right you will only be single once... God can sometimes use us more when we are single! Also remember He is a jealous God and will not take second seat to anyone in life, Even a spouse.

For those Who aren't Single! God bless you, may your years together be the best you'll ever have. But always remember Who comes first!

I love Y'all! ~ Alicia