
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Twitterpated... Bible Style!

It is funny to watch that video now! I am 22 and that video is sadly truer today than it ever was to me as a child... I am surrounded by so many people who are truly finding love... Some of them are finding the one God has set in their path. Others are putting on a show to be found. I like this clip because it is so true but also because it almost perfectly illustrates a verse in the word of God. Now if I told you the verse right now you might think I was joking but I am not. So please don't laugh or if you do stick around for the explanation you might learn something.
The verse I am sharing on is Proverbs 18:22. To many of you this verse is familiar for those who aren't its because the verses you are concentrating on are most likely in the 31st chapter. But this is a very important verse. I guess if you haven't looked it up already I should save you the trouble...
He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD. ~ Proverbs 18:22(ESV)
Now stop laughing... I know it seems pretty funny now that you thought about Bambi. He really was looking for a wife wasn't he? (rhetorical question) Not really! That was in fact the last thing he wanted at that time. He was busy looking for what his purpose in life was. He had set out on a path determined to find the end... not a wife!
For all you who aren't catching the hint let me break it down for you.
The word finds in the Hebrew is not what we as Americans would define it as. We would probably define it as to seek out in search of. But what the word actually means in this context is to stumble upon. He was heading in the direction God was leading him and on that path he ran into her and found out she was heading that way too.
Now for Bambi thats a long shot I am not sure God was meant to hold much of a role in arranging that meeting... Just Disney! But in the grand scheme of things God can in fact do it in your life.
My suggestion for you is... Take a moment and evaluate your motivation. If you are looking for a wife (or husband)... Take a moment and think if that is what God wants you to be doing right now. Why? because if you are looking for a wife that is what you will find a wife. Maybe God doesn't want you looking for wife. If I remember correctly I am pretty sure He is a jealous God. But on a good note in Matt the word tells us "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Mat 6:33 ESV)
If your motivations are right and you are seeking Him and His plan for you life, maybe at the moment you least expect it or even at the point where you could really care less... because you got out of the way and let God do things you might find yourself stumbling across the right person for you. Check Yourself! Much love! ~ Ali Z