
Friday, July 6, 2012

Learning to Love!

It has been a long time since I have written anything anywhere but on paper or Facebook! I has been an especially long time since I have written anything on any of my blogs this one in particular! My life has not been short on the occasional inspired thought I guess it is about time to start sharing them again!

In my small group at church we have been revisiting some old principles for me. We had started reviewing the Five Love Languages. For some you may have never heard of them if not I highly recommend the book, it is a quick read and may teach you more about yourself and those that you love then you can even imagine! It will change the way you perceive and understand giving and receiving love!
For those that have heard of the Love Languages the rest will make sense!

For those of my friends that don't know my primary love languages are Quality Time with an Eleven out of Thirty and Physical Touch with a Ten out of Thirty! Apparently not leaving very much room for the rest! Which is somewhat incorrect... As far as for me receiving love they are basically dead on but don't for a second think I don't know how to give in other forms of love that are not my primary! As most of my friends that are primarily Words of Affirmation can probably tell you that I do my best to ensure they feel loved constantly! I love people and the ones in my life are so important to me! As a Quality Time person just the fact that you want to spend time with me long enough to remember my name and have a conversation with me that lasts more than five minutes makes me feel loved and if you started the conversation off with an appropriate hug this encourages me to want to find out how I can show you love the way you best receive love! Erica for example is one of my closest friends and for a while earlier this year when I couldn't drive she would occasionally call me and say hey I need to runs some errands do you wanna tag along! Which to me says Hey can I spend an hour or so with you just hanging out one on one! This is like one of the best ways you can make me feel loved! Be willing to live your life with me one on one! Well my goal after the first time that happened was find out how to make Erica feel equally loved! Erica's primary love language is Words of Affirmation she is especially fond of the written word such as Journals, Postcards & Letters! This inspired an idea from something I used to do back in middle school! A shared journal! It is basically a journal where you write the other person a letter and then they read it and write you back on the next page. We trade ours back and forth a couple times a week. It is like having a pen pal that you see on a weekly basis! I love it and I hope it blesses her as much as those trips errand running bless me!

I have found that learning about how people give and receive love can improve your relationships tremendously! My relationships my family, my close friends and even my friends that may not have been close before are starting to become very close! I love that loving and being loved is really becoming less of a chore and more of a joy! Now if only I can find a friend that need a back massage once in a while! I think giving physical touch blesses me like receiving! Hahaha!

Much love y'all!
Alicia Zinn

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