
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Brothers and Sisters in Christ...

So lately I have been learning exactly what that looks like and it has been a little crazy. People when you give them the chance can literally blow your mind and change your perspective. This has been my recent experience. Between my classes at school and my service at church I have been learning a completely new way of doing things. Most of my classes are for practical application which is really what CFNI is all about... Teaching you by giving you the tools to do achieve your goals in your future outside of CFNI... I have found the reason that they ask us to not only be in a church but also to be working to serve in our church is to not only have the tools but also learn how to use them. Whether these tools are relational or practical they are incredibly useful. All that to say lately we have had a lot of different teachings covering entirely different subjects but ultimately boiling down to learning how to work well with people. Ministry is not just for people it is about people! One of the best tools anyone (not just a minister) could have is a better understanding of how to be in healthy relationship with people. Whether the person you are relating to is a leader or someone you are leading you need to understand that healthy relationships start with the understanding that they too are a Child of God... A child of the King... Not in the sense that they deserve special treatment because they are better than you... But rather that they deserve respect as someone who is cherished by the Father. Just as you are!

I understand that the times we are living in have not been kind to the understanding of a healthy family and it is rare to see and even rarer to have experienced what a healthy family looks like. I will say that the other day I was sharing my testimony and that of my family and my friend having known my family literally stared at me in almost disbelief as I told her of where we came from... She knows my family and sees that we live in healthy relationships with one another obviously not without the occasional bump here or there but still we were years ago the picture of a Dysfunctional Family! Anger, Alcohol, Pornography, Lies, Rebellion, Abuse and so much else was literally threatening to tear our family apart. But only by the grace of God and our unending trust in His ability to change our understanding of what family meant and should look like are we able to stand here today.

Because of all this! I am finding that when I remember to approach each person as my brother or my sister... Remembering that we are all children of the King with direct access to the Father! I approach them differently with a new level of respect and understanding. For those who are not following Christ never forget that they have the same potential to have that same access. It is just that no one has told them or they have never had a clear understanding of that!

We are all sons and daughters of the Most High King!

We should remember that when we work together!

Much Love,

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