
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ordinary with a little Extra!

Life is full of moments where we are waiting to see what happens next. It seems I have been in a season of that... Waiting... Have you ever been in the middle of a crowd of people and just stopped for a moment to look around and see what is going on? I have a couple in a couple of different crowds. Once in the middle of a concert watching  the people around you jumping and yelling or singing along. Several times in airports. Watching people run on their way to their various destinations. Even on a busy mall on a Saturday afternoon late in the fall. The fact of the matter isn't really gonna change. People from all different backgrounds in the middle of what may be a very ordinary moment to them: Enjoying the music of the band they came to see. Running to catch a plane or to baggage claim off to see family they haven't seen in a while or to vacation at Disney world or an important business meeting or job Interview. Running around to stores shopping for this and that getting ready for the big date or shopping for that special someone to give them the perfect gift for Christmas or Picking up that ring and putting the details on his plans.
I guess many of those moments are not as ordinary as I made them sound at first. But I mean how often do people in the most ordinary moments forget that so many others may be in the middle of a moment that is Extraordinary! I am the type of person that in my apparently ordinary moments seek out the Extra for my Ordinary! I have found that with the Lord it is not far to look. The joy in a child's eyes when they just see their mom or dad for the first time in 5 minutes, hours, days or months! I know that every moment with the Lord is incredibly extraordinary! Because He is very Extraordinary! I mean as people we can only be with so many people at a time... If I wanted time with someone like the president or a Celebrity I would likely be too ordinary to be considered as a audience with someone who is that important. But the Creator of universe the One that considered the every intimate facet of my heart takes the time to be available to enjoy even the ordinary moments with me!

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